Tuesday, December 17, 2013

'Tis the Season to Be Busy, but Good Busy

'Tis the Season to be Busy. Fa la la la la la. La la la la. Life often seems to be busy. Sometimes it can seem like a feat in itself to balance everything, but so many great things going on in life. I don't mind being busy, especially when I'm spending it with some great people. People I care about, people that make me smile, and people who will be in my life for quite some time. New experiences everyday along the journey. Here's to another good week in the life while I look back on a handful of things.

'Tis the season for "The Nutcracker". Mom, Dad, and Granny B came up to Omaha to see "The Nutcacker" with Chance and me at the Orpheum. I went a few years ago with my parents, when it was performed by a ballet ouf of Denver. This year, we had the pleasure of witnessing a mighty fine performance by Nebraska Ballet. It ended too soon. Many fun comments made amongst us about the show, enjoyed each others' company, and had a great Saturday afternoon.

'Tis the Season for "Grandma Mary" to come back home after her knee surgery and recovery. Spunky lady that is just like family. Living with her for three months was right where I was meant to be in life for so many reasons, but now the time has come for life to take me somewhere else. I have one more really great friend to stay in touch with and visit now, which is always a wonderful feeling.

'Tis the Season in my life right now for a few "see you laters". Not just good-byes, but "see you laters". I worked my last two shifts at The Egg and I with many smiles, kind words, and meaningful people. I got to talk with Maia, my little miss hot chocolate I have mentioned before. She and I have agreed to be pen pals, and one day when I am up in Omaha I hope to join Maia, her mom, and grandparents one day for brunch. It has been a joy getting to know their family, and they are ones I won't forget. Grandpa even gave me a hug before he left that day. I asked her Mom to take a photo for me before they left.

I was also blessed by very kind words from the Mens' Bible Study I have been serving every Wednesday morning for the past few months. They gave me card, said a few words, a few hugs, and wished me luck with my future endeavors. One even teared up a bit, and that just touches one's heartstrings.

'Tis the Season to enjoy one another's company, even if that means simply sitting on the couch next to one another not doing much of anything else. It's always nice to have those moments, short hours, and afternoons of simply lying around. Good for a person. I know I keep pretty busy, but I do take the time we all need sometimes to let my body catch back up and my mind to refresh some.

'Tis the season for red bows. Here's a lovely little shot I took of Mary and Hope with her cute little bow. I may miss that little stinker a little bit. We got that little girl potty trained in no time, and she is a great comfort for Mary. Sure a little stinker at times, but aren't we all?

'Tis the Season for bundling up. The first snow I've walked through in over a year. Sure, it's pretty. Man, oh man though some of that cold Nebraska weather that comes with it can be a bit overwhelming. One day Hope and I got all bundled up and went on a little walk to the mailbox. That was fun.

'Tis the season for spending time with friends. Chance and I met up with Matt, Nicole, and little Sebastian one morning down at the Papillion Egg and I for brunch. We all looked so cute, and it seriously did feel like a little Sunday brunch. Great conversation and enjoying one another's company. I don't see a whole lot of these two, but every time we are together I reminisce about the day Matt and I really started to become good friends. Nice to have some of those friends you can meet up with after a few months and still be the best of friends.

'Tis the season for red toenails with a few snowflakes. One of the first days living with Mary, we went and had our nails done together. Seemed fitting that one of my most recent days with her that we go together again. She had a manicure, and I went for a pedicure. Only the second time now that I have repainted my nails after moving back from American Samoa, where I didn't paint them once. Before that though, I hardly went a day without some polish on my toes. It's kind of fun, and I figured why not go festive this time. 'Tis the season. :-)

'Tis the season for a new job, new town, new room, and old roommates. I have started my job at the Good Samaritan Society - Linden View in Syracuse, NE. I am liking it a lot so far. Done some training shifts, and even did one regular shift solo already. Nice variety in my work, the residents are great, and I'm excited to be helping out here. I have moved to small-town Syracuse, NE. Not quite as small as Newman Grove, though. haha I do enjoy my small towns, but I'm still less than 45 minute drives from both Omaha and Lincoln, which is handy. I am living with Andy and Karena, two of my great friends. Karena and I were neighbors three years of college and lived in the same apartment our senior year. It's fun living together again, plus I can walk to work. This new adventure shall be great, and below you can check out my new little room. A bit random, but still many pieces of me.

'Tis the season for season confusion. Take a look at this photo below.

What do you see? Snow, a few leaves, flip flops, capri pants, and red toes with a few snowflakes. Hahaha I just slipped my flip-flops on quick to go grab something from my car outdoors, and I thought it might be funny to take a photo. I feel that it sums up a bit of what Nebraska weather can be like. One day snowing, the next day sunny with a chance of shorts. After experiencing several days in a row in the single digits, 24 degrees sure does feel warm. Then, Mother Nature throws in an afternoon up in the 40s, and you're about ready to go for a swim. Okay, maybe not. haha Maybe go for a run outdoors again, though.

Speaking of which....

'Tis the season for a more regular exercise routine again. With a little bit of craziness lately, I did slip out of keeping a good workout in my daily routine. 7 days ago, I decided it was time to get back into the swing of things. Living at Andy and Karena's house I have a good room in the basement again for doing my workout videos, so no more messing around. Remember how much I enjoyed my exercise down in American Samoa? Sure, it helped that I sweat non-stop, but it honestly just became a fun hobby of mine. I enjoy being healthy. Once again not trying to lose any specific amount of weight. I've put some pounds since moving back in July (saving up for winter haha), but I simply miss the energy regular exercise was giving me. If I slim down a bit in the process, positive side effect, we shall say. :-)

I started up with the Insanity program on Wednesday. Three days straight made sure I got it in, and then slipped a day. Made up for that today. All day out and about in Lincoln, I kept thinking about going on a run. First thing when I came home, I put on those running shoes, threw on my sweatshirt and headband, and away I went. Told Karena and Andy I'd be back in  20 minutes or so. My goal was to run 2 miles, and by the time I pulled back into the driveway I had clocked 2.35. Woo! Next headed straight to the basement to catch up on my missed Insanity workout. Dig deeper! After all of that I have finally drudged up the energy to sit and finish this post I had started several days ago. 'Tis the season for catching up. :-)

'Tis the season for respecting the iPhone. My last weekend working at the bank, I managed to forget my phone on a shelf as I had been charging it. I have a key for the bank, but I had not been given security codes yet. Didn't want to mess with that, and I knew it wouldn't hurt to go without my phone for a few days. Sometimes you forget how much you use that little gadget. I only know handful of phone numbers by hear these days. I made it, though, but it was nice to have it back on Monday. Is always nice to go back to the "stone age" from time to time. :-)

Yet, it is fascinating what we can do with technology these days. Little Miss Molly (Mary's granddaughter) started video chatting me from Mary's iPad the other day. We had a nice little chat, and Mary was impressed that we could even do that. Molly did it all by herself. 6 years old. Oye. haha

'Tis the season for holiday parties. Karena decided to throw a little Christmas party at the house for friends. We had planned it a while ago, drew names for Secret Santa, and got together on a Saturday afternoon. Three guys and four gals, and we had a great time together. Once again, one of those days where you get a group of friends together that haven't all been together in a while, and you have a wonderful time like it was yesterday. We played a few boardgames, played some pool, ate some food, watched a Christmas classic, and chatted chatted chatted.

The girls - Jackie, Karena, Jessie, and me.

The boys - Tyler, Chance, and Andy. Being goofs.

'Tis the season for missing a bit of my tropical island weather. Found myself flipping back through my photo albums from Samoa. Forgot about this little gem of a photo that my beloved roommate, awesome friend, and island sister took of me. This was from our little photo shoot day in the apartment. I do enjoy this one of myself looking out the window at my mountain. 'Tis the season for finding a little peace and tranquility among the chaotic times of life.

Like I said, busy busy busy. Good busy, though. Balancing all things in life, enjoying the ride, and earning a few bruises on the way. That reminds me....

'Tis the season for falling on ice. Haha Yep, happens from time to time. My first day working at Linden View, I was walking up at 6:15am. Only saw a few ice patches on my walk to work, which I did my best to avoid. Slipped up a little, but then five steps.... FIVE STEPS away from the door, my feat fly up from under me, my butt smacks the ground as I biffed it on a patch of ice. Woo eee. haha 'Tis the season to be jolly. Fa la la la la la. La la la la.

Hope you all have a wonderful week! Life is good. Doing my best to keep it all under control and enjoy every minute of every experience possible. Work, play, friends, family, health, and all happiness. Happy Holidays to you all!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thanksgiving, Family Traditions, and Uncle Chuck

I will be discussing a handful of things from life this past week. It’s an adventure finding a balance in life with family, friends, activities, work, and relationships. I’m still working on it, but I still strive to make the best of every day, enjoy the journey, and be happy. Here we go!


Thanksgiving Day was a bit non-traditional this year, but after my life on the island that doesn’t bother me one bit. As long as I am spending time with some people I care about, that is what truly matters. Our family wanted to spend the day with Uncle Chuck and Aunt Paula at Madonna’s Rehabilitation in Lincoln, where Uncle Chuck is currently staying after his ladder accident. Kyle and Rebecca are currently living with my parents, and it was nice to have the eight of us together despite the non-traditional circumstances.

Mom, Dad, Sheldon, Kyle, Rebecca, and I all met up in Lincoln for a little lunch before visiting Uncle Chuck. On my way into Lincoln, I noticed the sign for “Hi-Way Diner,” and I knew my dad would enjoy something like that. We decided that would be a good option for lunch, and it was definitely a place full of character. A few turkey dinners, one cheeseburger, one chicken wrap, and a couple of omelets made up the Stone/Boschen family feast for the day. We even took a ham and cheese omelet for Uncle Chuck.

At the end of the day, I found myself thinking about this quote:"We don't remember days; we remember moments." I remember the many smiles on this day spent with family. Uncle Chuck's smile when we all arrived to see him at Madonna's, Sheldon's smile when Dad mixed Shel and I up for a moment, Becca's smile when she won Blokus, Kyle's smile when he bit into one of my s'more treats, Dad's smile when we walked into the 24/7 diner full of character for lunch, Mom's smile when we made a wrong turn and laughed, and Aunt Paula's smile when she hugged her kids. Appreciate the smiles along life's crazy journey.

Hope (Mary’s little yorkie) and I ended our day by paying Miss Mary a visit at Brookstone Meadows, where she has been doing physical therapy after her knee replacement surgery. Was a little surprise for her, which was fun. Hope was also very excited to see her momma. I’m sure I’m fun sometimes, but she misses Mary. Another loving little family I have become a part of these past few months.

Visiting Uncle Chuck

I wanted to pay Uncle Chuck and Aunt Paula another visit down at Madonna’s. I decided Thursday morning would be a good time. It has gotten rather cold outside. It was 9 degrees out on my drive down to Lincoln first thing in the morning, but warm hearts to make up for it. He is making great progress. It has been only a week since my last visit, but he has more movement capabilities than he did then. Each step is a step for progress.

I asked Aunt Paula if she wanted me to pick up anything on my way in, and they requested some breakfast from McDonald’s. I don’t go there much, but for them I made the stop. I’ll admit it was fun watching Uncle Chuck smile as he ate that tri-tater and his sandwich. Aunt Paula was also very excited about a normal cup of coffee. Apparently whatever she has been drinking there isn’t quite the same. 

The nurses were running behind that morning, as we sat and chatted for a while over breakfast. It was already 9:10am, and no one had come in yet to start getting him dressed and moved as usual. Aunt Paula decided this morning would be a fun day for us to try and change him ourselves. By golly, we did it. Those nasty white stockings and all. Haha She did call in some nurse aids to help move him into his chair for transport, though, as he had an appointment for occupational therapy at 9:30am. We were only 1 minute late, too. Lucky for Uncle Chuck I also had brought some breakfast, or that may have been missing from the morning, too.

Nothing like jumping right in to make me assume this nurse role even more and feel really good about it. We all joked about it a bit, too. Uncle Chuck is quite the hard worker. Like I said he is making great progress, which is exciting. Little by little. I hung around during occupational therapy, where he worked his right arm, the one he has been struggling to move his hand much with yet this far. 

He finally did move his thumb and fingers a bit near the end, too, after the little exercise. Afterward, I helped him eat an orange and had some good chatting again. Then, it was time for me to head back to Omaha for work. I’m really glad I spent the morning with them and am looking forward to my next visit.

Final note for today. I'm such a klutz and dweeb sometimes. Somehow when I was at a gas station in Lincoln this morning, I managed to start shutting my car door on my head. Have a nice little mark for it, and it feels like a bruise on the inside. haha. Oh what fun... Makes me laugh though. I'm pretty put together most of the time, but I have my moments. I've been doing lots of research on my nursing school options and reaching out to people to keep moving forward. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Adventure of LIfe

Almost 10pm on a Monday night. Not often anymore do I sit on the couch at this hour trying to accomplish anything. I have been thinking about a blog post for a few days, and when I first came home at 8:30 tonight, it was my plan to have this done before I go to bed. Lots going on, lots to write about, and lots to reflect on.

Considering the fact that it is getting to be my bed time, perhaps I will try to keep this concise for now and can always expand in future posts.

I know you have all likely heard me say before that I truly believe "Life is an adventure." Here's jus a few things about my current adventures in life and how things are beginning to change. Change is a part of life. Moving forward and seeing where life takes me.

Seasons are changing. It's still a bit weird for me to think about how this time last year I was still sweating in 90+ weather in my bedroom in shorts and a t-shirt at 6am in the morning. I do love the colors of fall, but winter is definitely knocking on our door. Here is one nice photo I grabbed of the sun rising with some nice fall colors. Every day I wake up I have things to be thankful for.

My Uncle Chuck had an accident a few days ago falling off a ladder out on the farm. He shattered a wrist, which he had surgery on today, and has a bruised spinal cord. I have not had time to pay him a visit yet with my crazy work schedule, but I will be seeing him this week. Thanksgiving plans have changed, but I shall be with family. Makes you remember how things can change in an instant. My younger cousins are currently living with my parents as Aunt Paula will be spending a lot of time with Uncle Chuck through recovery. It's hard for me to picture Uncle Chuck lying in a hospital bed. Pretty much as hard as it was to see my Dad lying in a bed after a heart attack. Knowing Uncle Chuck, once his strength becomes to come back he will persevere through this. Gotta be thankful for family, that's for sure. I've been a pretty lucky girl.

For a few months now, I've found myself thinking about the idea of "Nurse Jessica". Yes, me Jessica. Jessica Boschen. I've been in a transitional phase of my life after returning from Samoa, but I know I want to be doing more with my life. Some recent things have really made me think seriously about it. I really do want to help people, and this may just be my next calling in life. The handful of people I have spoken with about it so far think I could be a great fit for it.

I've been researching programs to become a Registered Nurse on fast-track, as I do already have a Bachelor's Degree. If things continue to fall together, I will likely be working on applications for such schools over the next few months, with hops of starting school up again within a year. It's really feeling like a good thing right now, and I see so many possiblities with it. Things that are getting me excited, but once again, things can change, but it's a goal I am seriously looking at pursuing.

This led me to a new job I have accepted. I will be starting as a Universal Worker for the Good Samaritan Society in Syracuse, NE. Some various nursing assistant responsibilities beginning with a lot of time spent in the Assisted Living wing, but I may also pick up some shifts and experience in the nursing home. I am very excited about this job, know i will learn a lot, am anxious to get started, and know it will help me decide if becoming an RN is the right thing for me. Taking the opportunity, going on a new life adventure.

Yes, another life adventure. There will be some familiar faces, though. New job, new town, but old roommates! I am moving in with my good friends Andy and Karena. Yeah, you know who I mean. They own a house in Syracuse and have offered for me to move in, which all three of us are excited about. December 11th = Moving Day.

Here's their house. 1234 Walnut Street.

My new job at the Good Samaritan Society. This is the assisted living unit, where I will be spending a lot of time.

Two experiences this week, where I have that great feeling of not seeing a great friend in a while, but you talk like it was simply yesterday.

First one, Mr. Matthew Trisler. Matt and I have been pretty good friends since our sophomore year of college. Matt currently lives in Papillion, NE, which is about 30 minutes from where I currently live. We both graduated with Biology degrees and have been simply working lately and looking at moving forward. I spent Sunday afternoon at his house with his little family and some other friends for a little "Friendsgiving". I haven't seen him in a few months, and it was so great to catch up with him. We may not see a whole lot of each other, but he is still one of my best friends. He even served as a reference for me on my latest job application. We reminisced about many things and discussed our current pursuits.

Matt's son Sebastian is now 7 months old. Growing up so fast. Matt even made the comment, "Just think, Jess, in a few years we'll all be sitting around here with more kids running around." Aye, weird to think about, but it could easily be true. Little Sebastian fell asleep on my shoulder after while, and he is just one lovable little guy. He's got some great parents, too. Nicole has become a good friend to me, too, and I was so excited when they invited me over for Friendsgiving.

This was the first day I met Sebastian. He was already 2 months old by the time I moved back Stateside from American Samoa.

"Grandma Mary" is excited for me and my new job pursuit. Living with her really was one thing that got me thinking about nursing. It has been so wonderful to watch some things change in her life, while I've been here, too. We are an interesting pair, but we have been good for one anther. Although, our time living together may be coming to an end, we have no doubt built a friendship. A loving friendship. This was the photo my mom took of Mary and me the day I moved in with her.

Back to another catching up with an old friend. I have not seen Cassie in a few months now, either. We got together for some coffee and chatted for at least an hour. Was just like yesterday. What a wonderful feeling. She was one of those friends that was waiting for me at the airport when I returned from my year abroad. College really brought me to some of the best friends a girl could have ever asked for.

Final thoughts for today. There really are some pretty great people out there. People who respect your boundaries. People who go out of their way to be nice. People you enjoy spending time with. People who just seem to get you. People you want to get to know the real you. People who make you want to be even better. People you can picture in your life for many years to come. People that simply make you smile. Three here - a brother, a best friend (and soon-to-be-roommate-again), and a friend you are getting to know.

I love making people smile, and it's always fun when something brings a giant grin to my face, as well. Remember that guy I mentioned in my last post who paid for another table's meal anonymously. Saw him again this week, and we got to chatting about various things. A genuinely nice guy, and I told him how thankful the ladies were and how cool it was for me to be a part of, as well. He wished me luck on my new job, and that was a really great moment for me again being reassured about kindness in the world.

If anyone has any input on my potential pursuit of becoming a nurse, let me know. I love chatting when I can, and I am excited about my new journey. Moving to Syracuse, NE for a while, working, maybe applying for school, taking some classes, and doing good things for the world. All possibilities, but I am taking it one day at a time for now. Exciting stuff, though, no matter how it all plays out. I miss volunteering so much. Service. Life. Adventure. Journey.

Hope you all have a wonderful week! This post sort of jumped around a bit, but hey that's just how it goes. I'm a bit organized, but I also just roll with it. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A Mighty Fine Day as a Waitress

I enjoy being a waitress. I meet new people all the time, spend most of my day smiling, and am moving about for hours straight. 

A day like today, though, is one that makes my job even more fun.

Came in this morning a bit nervous about how the day may go as our kitchen manager was gone helping at a new location. Clocked in at 7:30am to find it rather slow for a Sunday. Still never seemed highly busy overall, but toward the end of the day I was covering tables all over the restaurant. Most customers didn't mind. They appreciated that I was still taking the time to help them.

I thought I saw the grandparents of Miss Mya walk in the door at one point when I was running around. My little friend Mya orders a hot chocolate every Sunday she comes in with her mom and grandparents. I got her hooked on our salted caramel hot chocolate. After helping her family a few times, I finally asked her name, and I told her I would remember. Last week when they were in, I was fortunate enough to actually have them sit in my section. She was all excited when I remembered her name.

This week, grandpa flags me down when Mya is off at the bathroom. He and mom asked if I would come say hi when I had a chance, as Mya had been watching me all day. She came back out, I walked right up, and I said "Hey, how's my friend Mya today?" She showed me a new quilt her grandma had made for her, gave me a hug, and we chatted a bit. Makes me smile. :-)

At that same table later in the day I noticed a few familiar faces. Not faces from Omaha, but faces from my hometown Newman Grove. I walked right over, said hello, and sat right down next to Arla. I served Arla coffee many a times at the City Cafe back home. We chatted for a while, I gave her a hug, and said it was so great to see her. Not every day I run into people like that. Another big smile for the day. :-)

The husband in an older couple I was helping was a little hard of hearing, but I made sure he heard everything I said. Also enjoyed speaking with his wife. They were both so kind. When they got up to leave, the husband say, "Now you stay out of trouble." His wife said, "You keep on smiling." Another smile. :-)

One of the guys from my Wednesday morning party will come in with his family often on Sundays. The second Sunday now I have had the pleasure to help them out. They all remember my name, and Mr. Bruce is beyond kind every time I have the opportunity to serve him.

I enjoy a little fun with the cooks back in the kitchen throughout the day. Dante, Oscar, Bryan. Keeps the day fun and everyone's spirits up even when we get busy or we begin to tire. After being on your feet for 7 hours straight, you need some pick me-ups.

Another couple I helped out today were super friendly. After a while the gentleman told me he wanted the bill for these ladies sitting a few tables away from him. He had no idea who they were, and I said, "Oh we're doing one of those anonymous ones. How great of you! This is a cool thing to be a part of." After he and his wife had left I went to tell the ladies that their bill had been taken care of. They asked of it was the guy sitting a few tables away as he had said "Have a good day" as he walked by. They said they wished they knew who he was so they could have thanked him. What a cool thing! I've heard of people doing this before, and it was such an honor for me to be right there. Another smile for Jessica. :-)

Last major smile for the afternoon as a waitress at the Egg and I. New personal tip record for a day! Such generous customers today. Sure the little extra money can be nice, but it doesn't beat all the smiles and good moments I experienced. You always remember how people made you feel. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Thinking about how neat it is how life just takes you places, things fall together, you meet just the right people, you learn things as you go, and you experience the world.

I think about moments. Some can be small - the little things. Some snowball together in what can turn out to be one awesome day in the life. 

I look back at how I missed an entire month of blogging. What happened? I just got caught up in some things and forgot how much I truly enjoyed journaling and letting my thoughts roll. Found myself coming home tonight thinking about how I've had some really great days lately and noticing so many moments I wanted to share. Some are backtracking a bit, but I hope anyone out there who reads this enjoys.

Moments. Some are the little pick me-up you needed, some are the out of this world fun you are having,  some are those heartfelt thank-you's you receive, some where you just take it all in. Here are a few moments from many good days in the life.

These descriptions may be short, but I intend for you to take them for what you will. Use a little imagination and think about the story that could surround each moment I mention. I hope some bring you smiles like they have me. I have photos to accompany some.

That moment when you find yourself with three adult friends at the pumpkin patch posing on the wooden train. Child's spirit and random fun.

That moment when you find yourself with knees hitting the steering wheel while pedaling but loving every minute of it racing rolling around the track.

That moment when you pose in the brig just to be silly.

That moment when Farmer Brown reminds you a bit of Paul Bunyan for some reason, so you pose on his shoulder.

That moment when you're babysitting for two wonderful kids that remind you of you and your brother at that age.

That moment when the mom calls you back and tells you how much the kids enjoyed you and asked if you can come babysit again soon.

That moment when you find yourself successfully changing a burnt out brake light in your SUV. All by yourself. In your dress. So simple, yet a life experience!

That moment when you donate a pint of blood, knowing how that 45 minutes of my day can go to make a difference in someone else's life.

That moment when your roommate's granddaughter hops out of the car so anxious to see you with a big hug ready and the words "I missed you."

That moment when your lovely 6-year old friend cuddles up with you at the movie theatre during Free Birds and you take a deep breath.

That moment when you invite a friend from work (who's birthday is one day before yours, and she made you hold an umbrella with her for the Banzai photo) to play on a coed softball team you've got on and she agrees to come out.

That moment when that same friend is so excited about the game after not playing for many years and immediately asks to play again and thanks you with so much happiness.

That moment when one of your best friends drives 40 minutes to spend the entire afternoon with you just doing our thing from watching the Husker game to driving around to walking around stores to chatting about life to playing softball (and having an absolute blast!) to bowling to enjoying the heated mattress pad on your bed.

That moment when you snag a throw from left field at 2nd base for the forced out and your opponent compliments you on the great play.

That moment when the pitcher tosses you the ball with your foot on the base, you turn, and you launch it to first for the double play.

That moment when some new friends ask you to join them for bowling and you bring an old friend along. Then, you all have a great time, joking around, being a bit competitive, and bowling over 120!

That moment when your parent's boss from work eats at the restaurant you work at, asks about you, you walk over, and he snaps a photo to send to your mom.

That moment when you serve some friendly customers from Austin, TX to find out that the husband once danced the Samoan Siva in Hawaii after telling them you lived in Samoa for a year.

That moment when as a waitress you find $10 on the table from two customers, when you on average expect to see $4 or 5.

That moment when you trip on the steps and your friends chuckle about it.

That moment when the GPS tells you to make a right turn only to make a U-turn when you totally could have simply made a left turn at the light. Silly GPS sometimes.

That moment when you take a 15-minute power nap.

That moment when you enjoy a cup of white hot chocolate with that best friend of yours.

That moment when you meet the right people at just the right time.

That moment when someone gives you a compliment and truly means it.

That moment when you run into one of your regular customers from the bank at the restaurant, and she recognized you too.

That moment when a second customer from the bank is at the restaurant on the very same day and the same thing happens.

That moment when one of your students from this past year starts messaging you and asks if you know who they are. You say "yes, marine science class." "Yes, but do you remember me." "Of course I do. Fale. You sat in the front row often next to Chardine. What are you up to these days." "Getting ready to move to Hawaii for college soon." Teacher moment.

That moment when you call your dad to tell him about your softball game.

That moment when you call your mom to tell her about a simple thing that made you smile.

That moment when your brother sends you a photo from grocery shopping.

That moment when you receive a card in the mail with a hand written note.

That moment when you tell someone your middle name.

Moments.... so many moments. So many memories. So much laughter. So many smiles. So many experiences. So much living each day. Life.

Hope everyone has a great week, and I sure am going to try to keep up with my blog a bit better again. It's important to me. Hope you enjoy my style this post and take from it whatever makes you smile. Mucho amor to you all! Mucho amor = much love in Spanish. :-)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Few Quick Things

Hard to believe that this time last year, I was regularly posting on my blog 2 or 3 times a week. Today, I find myself not having done it in maybe 3 weeks. Oye. Just a few quick little things of some recent days in the journey of life.

Last week I came across some more good quotes to write down in my journal. One in particular stood out for me. After my recent presentation back at home talking about my experience as a volunteer teacher and some meaning in my life, I found I connected with these words spoken by Oprah Winfrey really well.

"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint, and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it o others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you." -Oprah

Next, I went to a concert last Tuesday night. Only the third concert I've been to in my life. Went with some of my great friends I met back at Morningside College. This particular day happened to be Karena's birthday, and we had purchased these tickets back over the summer. Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Now, I don't listen to much rap, but I do highly respect the work these guys have done. Karena introduced me to Macklemore a few years ago before he was even known at all. One song has become one of our favorites.

A few lines for you: --And we danced, and we cried, and we laughed, and had a really really really good time. Take my hand, let's have a blast, and remember this moment for the rest of our lives.--

A phenomenal concert! They put on a really great show, and I enjoyed every minute of it with Karena, Andy, and Jessie. Before the show we took a few random photos like we always used to. Making memories, loving life, and enjoying ourselves.

Halloweeen night I attended a series of plays put on by Red Theater Omaha. A friend I met through Karena has become part of this theater group here in Omaha. Together we attended one of her shows over the summer. I decided it would be a fun thing for me to do that night. If you came in costume, you saved $1 on your ticket. I figured why not. I decided to get a little creative on my costume, though, using only things I already had at home. I went as "the ocean". I liked my little outfit, and I am glad I went to the show. 30 short plays in 60 minutes in a random order, a live theater. Lots of fun.

Saturday I had a hankering for pizza all of a sudden. Homemade pizza. Just for fun I thought I'd make it vegan style, too. I found some cheese made from rice, which was absolutely delicious. Tomato sauce, spinach leaves, tomato slices, mushrooms, and rice cheese. Yum yum. Just look how delicious it looks. It was also a beautiful afternoon, and I enjoyed my late lunch out on the deck. Sweet bliss. Just enjoyed the moment. Don't mind if I do. :-)

Doing the daily crossword puzzle has become one of my things, which I believe I have mentioned before. So many good words, building my vocabulary, using a little logic, and enjoying the puzzle. Tuesday morning, many good words throughout. Many make me smile, but one in particular stood out today. My third home. American Samoa. Wow. First time that has popped in the puzzle since I started doing them a few months ago. I posted these photos on my Facebook page with a comment about sending my love to Am Sam today, third home. I received many "likes" and a handful of comments from my friends back down there.

I will return some day, at least for a visit. Beautiful place, a great third home in my life. Oh crossword puzzle, way to remind me of that again today. Although, I do think about my time there often.

Have a great week, everyone. If you're like me, you are finding it hard to believe it is November already, and that s-word is well on our horizon. Oh boy....

Monday, September 30, 2013


This post will be full of many random things. Every day is different, and I'm always finding a way to keep busy. Busy with work, hobbies, friends, and what may seem like nonsense sometimes. Quirks, I call them. Quirks and all.

Quirk #1 - Coloring
I am 23-years old, and I still love to color in a coloring book. Mary and I color some for some hand-made cards together, and one day it made me ask her if there were any coloring books lying around here. I figured there must be at least one since the 6-year old granddaughter comes over every now and then. We had a bucket of crayons, but no coloring book. 

Well, one day I come home and find a sack that I ask about, and Mary says "there's something in there for you." I open it up, and I smile from ear to ear as I see it is a coloring book. "For me?" Yes, yes it was. One of those things I like to do some times to pass the time or help my brain relax before bed.

I told my story about how my grandparents had mailed me a little coloring book they picked up on a vacation while I was living in American Samoa. One year as a college student, I had told them all I wanted for Christmas was a coloring book. :-) Think I may have told this story once on my Samoa blog.

Quirk #2 - Crosswords
One of my latest things is doing the daily crossword in the Omaha World Herald. I often work on it with a cup of coffee on the kitchen table. I will take it with me up to the restaurant if Mary and I go out for breakfast. Some times if I get a little stuck, I'll read it out loud and Mary may come up with the word. We are getting quite good at the crosswords. It's a fun little thing to do in the morning. I learn new words, I remember little trivia I forgot I even knew, and it's fun to watch it fall together. Some times you are debating a few words, and it is clear the answer you need once another word has been answered. Nerd alert. haha It is really cool to think about how a crossword puzzle is put together. I've been at it for a few weeks now, and every day I become quicker. Minus those gigantic Sunday ones full of trivia. haha

Quirk #3 - Doodling
While sitting in teller training class this past week, our instructor gave us some paper and said if we need to doodle to go right ahead. I recall learning how doodling can be good for a person's learning sometimes, it keeps your brain active. Not so much passive learning anymore. Well I started doodling after a while. I found myself laughing and noting how my doodles became more advanced as the days progressed. Check it out for yourself. 

First day, I doodled some basic little patterns. Day two, I started throwing in more sketch-like images. Day three of doodling, I ended up with little sketches and quotes/saying accompanying them. Too much fun. :-)

Quirk #4: Heavy Lifter
Yep, heavy lifter. hahaha I come home one day from work and see that Mary had finally picked up a few pumpkins to set up in the front yard like she had talked about doing. I walk inside the house and say it looks nice. She responds, "Well there's a whole trunk full for you to unload. You may want to move the car more." "Move the car," I ask. "Why? I can handle this. All 20 pumpkins I unloaded from the trunk and helped place in Mary's little display. Looks pretty nice.

She is calling it "Molly's Pumpkin Patch", for her granddaughter. Miss Molly was over Sunday night with her dad for a visit. I had to take a picture with my beautiful little friend in the pumpkin display.

Quirk #5 - Nerding out
I love nerding out in my reading glasses at night. Curling up on my bed or the couch and digging my nose into a book for the night. I took this photo of myself, and I rather enjoyed it. My cute little nerd photo. haha I'm such a goof, some times.

Quirk #6 - Samoan flare
Rocked a "pieces of Samoa" outfit with a little American touch Friday. Slid into my brown dress I bought in Independent Samoa over the holidays, laced up my beautiful necklace from my Samoan friend Lillian, and stuck a sei behind my ear. Topped off the outfit with my casual yet professional white businesswoman blazer.

Wore it to breakfast, where Mary and I took some photos with some of our Egg and I friends.

Quirk #7 - Interior Design
Mary and I got to hanging some new things on the walls one day this week, and I forgot how much fun it can be to decorate a room. Add a few touches, and the room has a new feeling and look.

Quirk #8 - The Escape is in a garage!
The plan has been to make room in the garage for my vehicle in the garage before winter starts knocking on our door. Need the driveway clear of vehicles for the plow to come through, or I'd be scooping out every morning, which would be doable. Well, we had started clearing out the garage one day. I come home, and before I push the button on my opener, I wondered if I was going to drive right in today.

Garage door opens, and low and behold, there it is - an empty space for the Escape. I pulled right on in, and it was an odd feeling for me. I've never had my car parked in a garage before. I know that may sound funny, or odd that I was so amused. Yet, I was. Was an interesting moment my brain took note of, and I found myself smiling. The Escape is sitting in a garage. Extra safe and sound. haha

Quirk #9 - Technology is so cool
I had the opportunity to speak with one of my students from American Samoa who is currently going to college in Hawaii. We had e-mailed about trying to Skype some time, and I finally caught him online. He was so surprised to see that I actually gave him a call, and it was great to chat with him a bit. It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that we can have a video chat like this from oceans away. From the classroom to the football field to field trips in the National Park, Tavini here was one of my hardest working students. His English has jumped up eons just from moving to Hawaii, where is Uncle is not allowing him to speak Samoan. Good practice for him. Was cool for me to get to chat with him, and I think he enjoyed it, too. :-)

Quirk #10 - I love breakfast!
Breakfast is seriously my favorite meal of the day. Funny how I do a little part-time work at a place famous for breakfast. haha Here you can see a waffle topped with Greek yogurt, banana slices, and candied pecans; complimented with a small glass of milk and a cup of coffee. You will also notice some festive place-mats Mary put together. Mmmm breakfast. "Momma always told you to have a good breakfast." (A sign with this saying is hanging in the restaurant.)

Quirk #11 - Call me Betty Crocker
I've been trying out some baking lately. Something I started to play with more with my island sister Hannah while living in American Samoa. My mom and I were never the best bakers. We let Aunt Paula, Grandma Boschen, and Grandma Wingert handle most of that. Well, one day I attempted making an apple pie, with a little assistance from Mary. It actually turned out pretty well! The next week, I attempted an apple pie with a crumb top. A la mode, and it is quite satisfying.

I do enjoy putting on my apron and trying out some baking. Baking in style thanks to this Morningside RHA apron my Omaha mom tweaked a bit. Just for fun, here is my "Just call me Betty Crocker" photo. :-)

Quirk #12 - Science Jokes
From time to time, I will run across a pretty good joke. Some you only understand if you have a certain bit of knowledge. Thanks to my science background, I found this little cartoon quite enjoyable. Sorry if you don't understand, but for those of you who do I am sure you will be smiling and laughing just like me. I found this via one of my fellow volunteer science teachers from this past year.

Quirk #13 - Softball is my favorite sport to play
My glove is always sitting in my closet, and from time to time over the years, I dig it out and play catch with my brother, my dad, or friend Karena. Well, thanks to some friends I am making through the bank, I was asked to come sub on a league team here in Omaha Sunday evening. Decided not to pass the chance up. I haven't played in a game since I was 14-years old, it seems. I forgot how much I love playing. We were demolished in the first inning, but changed a few things around and did a little better the rest of the game. Bottom line, though, we had some fun.

I played a little short stop, and I actually hit the ball. That was crazy. Hitting was never my best game, but it was okay my last year on the summer team as I made up for it on the mound. haha I did tally up an RBI on my hit though. Woo! haha

I also have a nice little bruise on my shin courtesy of playing at short. I was ready for it, but the grounder took one nasty bounce. Did not get behind me though. :-) Right away, I knew I would likely have a bruise in the morning. Glad I went, met some new people, played my favorite sport, and had a good time. Perhaps I will have the chance to fill in again over the next few weeks.

Quirk #14 - Mesmerized by the Sunrise
Nothing like waking up at 5:15, going on a little run by the light of the moon, showering, enjoying a cup of coffee, working on my blog, and witnessing another beautiful sunrise. I am always amazed on how quickly the scene changes. Sunrises are always different, and the colors are just beautiful. As I ran downstairs to grab my camera, the sky changed. Some things change in a blink of an eye. Appreciate some of those moments and the world around you. :-)

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you have a great week. Life is good, and every day is an adventure. (You hear me say that time and time again, I bet.) Toodles :-)