Monday, March 10, 2014

Self-Portraits and Thoughts

I took some time on Monday to enjoy the beautiful day and work on some portraits. No models available, so I went for some self-portraits. I had a lot of fun out and about playing with some ideas and smiling for hours. Got me thinking about  various things and being spontaneous. Enjoy the photos and my little thoughts throughout this post.

When life gives you an opportunity, you go for it.

When you hit some rough patches, you roll up your sleeves and work hard.

Grab on!

When you don't know what else to say, just stick your tongue out.

Don't be afraid to let your sassy side show from time to time.

Relax and enjoy some of those quiet moments.

Be mysterious and surprise your loved ones from time to time. My parents knew I was thinking about coming home on Saturday, but then at noon on Friday I decided to head home early and surprise them that night. Pretty fun!

When you notice it's 11:11, you make a wish. Why not?

Go lay in the pile of leaves.

When there's a beautiful day and trails at your feet, slide into your running attire and go trail running! Even if that means 2.5 miles up and down some hills, through some leaves, sliding on your butt at times, and trampling through a little mud. :)

Or when you got a friend to go with, take a walk around town on the nice evening.

Let your hair blow in the wind after changing back into your dress in your  car after your run.

Give the thumbs up because life is good.

Give 'em that face when they know you're a little irritated, but you can't help but laugh too.

Make yourself comfortable.

Take time to visit places you enjoy.

Spread your wings...

And fly!

Be curious and don't be afraid to reach out.

 A smile is one of the best gifts we can give.

Rock your style.

Change reality a bit using a little imagination. I felt some creative juices a flowing Sunday night, which was one thing that led me out that door on an adventure for Monday.

Have a wonderful week everyone!